, pub-4035007456625565, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


DB2ToOracle – Import DB2 to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard – step by step; Direct import – efficient.


Withdata OracleToExcel – Export Oracle to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.


Withdata PostgresToExcel – Export PostgreSQL to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.


Withdata MysqlToExcel – Export MySQL to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software

TATEMS 20/20 Fleet Maintenance Software Program has been Making Life Easier For Fleet Managers because they have FINALLY DISCOVERED a system that is SO SIMPLE and SO EASY TO USE …


TwinkiePaste is the utility to quickly typing commonly used text, dates, greetings, standard dates, greetings, standard responses, Internet URLs, logins and passwords, code templates. TwinkiePaste helps to quickly type text in almost any application.

LoMag Warehouse Management

LoMag Warehouse Management is a tool created for managing warehouses of a small or medium-sized enterprise. It ensures the basic functionality necessary for supporting inventory management. At the same time it is easy to use and reliable. Use MS SQL.

Baby Kids Keyboard Free Edition

A software helps your kids get to know the things by pictures and keeps your computer safe from random strikes on keyboard. It’s a kids educational game, which enables you to give your children vared picture lessons, and locks your keyboard .

MegaMind Extractor

MegaMind Extractor is an audio program using modern architecture to enable fast and secure ripping and converting of audio files into high-quality MP3s easily transferable to multiple portable devices.

iWatermark Pro for Windows

The Essential Watermarking App for Professionals, Business and Personal Use. The only watermarking tool available for all 4 platforms iPhone/iPad, Mac, Android and Windows. iWatermark is the most popular professional watermarking tool for photos.