SecureBlackbox PHP

SecureBlackbox PHP

Version: 13.0 Download SecureBlackbox PHP
Downloaded: 0 Author: EldoS Corporation
Licence: Shareware Price: 884
OS Supported: Win2000,WinXP,Win 7,Windows 8,WinServer,WinOther,Win 2000,Win 2003,Windows Server 2000,Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2008r2,Windows Server 2012,Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005,Windows Media Center Edition 2005,WinVista,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Win Vista,WinVista x64,Windows Vista Home Basic x64,Windows Vista Home Premium x64,Windows Vista Business x64,Windows Vista Enterprise x64,Windows Vista Ultimate x64

SecureBlackbox PHP is the comprehensive component collection for network and document security.

SecureBlackbox is split to several packages:

1. SFTPBlackbox – securely transfer files and perform remote file system operations using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol, Secure File Transfer Protocol).
2. SSHBlackbox – access remote SSH servers using SSH2 or SSH1 protocols or build your own SSH server.
3. FTPSBlackbox – transfer files securely using FTP and FTP-over-SSL (also known as FTPS or FTP/SSL) and create own FTP servers.
4. OpenPGPBlackbox – encrypt and sign files using OpenPGP algorithms and standards, generate and manage OpenPGP keys and keyrings. Compatible with PGP product line by PGP Corporation.
5. XMLBlackbox – encrypt, sign and timestamp XML files or generic data using XML encryption and signing standards (XMLDSig, XMLEnc, XAdES).
6. PDFBlackbox – compress, encrypt and sign PDF files. Public Key (X.509 certificates) and symmetric encryption is supported. PKCS#1 and PKCS#7 signing using X.509 certificates is supported.
7. SSLBlackbox – client and server components that provide complete support for SSL2, SSL3 and TLS1.x.
8. HTTPBlackbox – access web sites via HTTP and HTTPS protocols with Gzip compression or build your own server.
9. MIMEBlackbox – compose and parse MIME messages with optional S/MIME or PGP/MIME security extensions.
10. PKIBlackbox – generate and manage certificates, certificate revocation lists, certificate requests. Complete support for Public Key Infrastructure including Windows Certificate Storages and cryptographic hardware.
11. EDIBlackbox – exchange business information via AS2 and AS3 protocols.
12. ZIPBlackbox – compress data with strong encryption.
13. CloudBlackbox – securely store data in cloud storages
14. OfficeBlackbox – encrypt or digital sign MS Office (binary and OOXML), OpenOffice (ODF) and XPS documents.
15. WebDAVBlackbox – access remote documents.