Everyday life and higher education demand across Gujarati community, has arose need of English meanings in Gujarati language along with its English pronunciation. Looking to this requirement, we have introduced G-DICTIONARY which is useful for the ones who requires Gujarati meaning of English word with it’s pronunciation in English.
Database of 1,00,000 + English Gujarati words
It has a large database of 1,00,000 + words with meanings.
English to Gujarati Searching
Type English word for Gujarati meaning in English word box and then you will get Gujarati meaning of it if it?s available in the dictionary.
Gujarati to English Searching
Type Gujarati word for English meaning in Gujarati word box and then you will get English meaning of it if it?s available in the dictionary.
Quick search on single click
For quick search of your word, you can click on the characters available on the window as shown with the arrow on both the sides.
Gujarati meaning Search while using any applications
Search Gujarati meaning while you are accessing other applications in English.
Pronounciation of English words
To listen pronounciation of any English word, double click on that word. (Sound card and speaker/Headphone must be duly attached).
English/Gujarati words adding facility
With this facility you can add end number of English or Gujarati words and their meanings for future search.
Virtual Keyboard
If you want to type Gujarati word through the software then it is possible from virtual keyboard option. The layout of the key board is Ba, Ka, Ma. There are two segments of fonts available, you will get the first one as and when you open the virtual keyboard and then by clicking on the shift button, other segment would be available.
Phonetic Keyboard
If you want to type Gujarati word through the software then it is possible from phonetic keyboard option as well. It is as simple as the way you type Gujarati message in English language.